
South Africa: Police fire at Marikana Mine protesters

Marikana miners celebrated the end of the strike on Tuesday

South African police have fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse protesters near a mine owned by Anglo American, a day after a deal ended a strike in Marikana.

"We are not tolerating any illegal gatherings," a police spokesman said.

Workers at the Lonmin-owned Marikana platinum mine ended their six-week strike after accepting a 22% pay rise.

The strikes have spread to other mines in South Africa, one of the world's biggest producers of precious metals.

Meanwhile, On Monday, President Jacob Zuma said that the disruption had cost the industry $548m (£337m) in lost output.

The unrest came as Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), the world's largest platinum producer, re-opened its mines after they were closed last week following huge protests.

Amplats spokeswoman Mpumi Sithole said the mines in Rustenburg, the centre of South Africa's platinum mining - about 80km (50 miles) north-east of Johannesburg - were operational.

She said the police had "dispersed a group of people gathering illegally at Sondela informal settlement [near the mine]" and said it was not clear if they were Amplats workers.

Source: BBC

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